Saturday, October 23, 2010

Birth of baby mood (angry dolls)

4, combustion doll

- Do not mess with me, but I'm really frustrated with it!

1. As usual, open the Basic file, save as Angry.psd. First, remove the eyes and mouth where the layers, we will provide it another design. Select Face layer, with Hue / Saturation command this layer of dyed red, or you can set up directly after the fill foreground layer.

2. Copy Face layer, rename the mouth, we also use the old methods to create doll's mouth. Mouth filled with a layer of white opaque areas, copy of a copy of the layer after deformation, the two layers with a subtraction method to get the shape we need, the specific process as shown below. (Figure 18)

Figure 18

3. Then of course add the line process. First to the mouth strokes, strokes color is black and width 1 pixel, the middle strokes. Then the new layer, use the Line tool to draw some vertical lines, will put together the layer with the mouth. (Figure 19)

Figure 19

4. New layer, named the Eye, first with the ellipse tool to draw a black oval shape, slightly rotated, with the variability of the lasso tool to select a constituency, to delete the selected area of ellipse, as shown in Figure 20a. Cancel your selection, copy this layer, flip, deformation, move to the right place, a doll's other eye. (Figure 20b)

Figure 20a

Figure 20b

Common sense tells us that people are angry when the pupil to contract, we can use that anger to the full performance of dolls. The process is simple, the new layer, use the ellipse tool, draw a red circle, by copying, flipping and moving the process to complete the production of the pupil. (Figure 20c)

Figure 20c

Now, put together all the visible layers, down to 60% of the size, we have to start making it look like the furious.

5. New layer, named the Fire, to set the foreground color to RGB (255,192,0), the background color is RGB (255,216,0), with the freedom of the Lasso tool to select a flame shape, with the emergence order soft constituency of what the edge of a radius of 2 pixels or so; with clouds rendering filter layer electoral districts, abolition of selection. (Figure 21a)

Figure 21a

Copy Fire layer, application layer in the Fire Motion Blur, angle 0, distance of roughly 90 pixels, with a mobile tool for this layer to the right. (Figure 21b)

Figure 21b

Select Fire copy of the layer, in this layer, we use the layer style to imitate the flame of light and dark. Select slope and relief style, set the style for the inner slope structure, method for the smooth, 250% depth, direction, the size of 21 pixels, softening to 2 pixels; set the shadow angle of -60 degrees and an altitude of 40, abolition of the global light, high light model color filter, color is RGB (252,255,0), opacity 100%, dark tone mode is normal, the color is RGB (255,162,0), 70% opacity; second set texture, we choose the first texture pattern, scaled to 160%, 80% depth, select the RP and with the link layer, the image shown below. (Figure 21c)

Figure 21c

Want to make the flame more mobility then choose the next wave filter distortion filter, random set parameters, the flame will be randomly distorted shape, but before using the wave filter, first included in this layer of transparent regions In this way, the flame shape they are not to be too discrete. Maintain the constituency, with a Gaussian blur filter to the constituency blurring radius of 8 pixels, de-select. (Figure 21d)

Figure 21d

Fire copy copying layer, a copy of the Fire 2 layer opacity reduced to 60%; the Fire copy of the layer's brightness, contrast, 21,43 respectively, to mixed mode to soft light layer. Finally, put together all the layers, the left moving image, and then add a white background. (Figure Angry)

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

09 'happy to steal food' in 2010 what we steal?

- What 3G applications to copy the 'stealing food trend'

Taoism advocated cautious and subtle ideological content of most of people of doing things. In the past year, even if occasionally mixed with almost concerned about 3G in the domestic market, stir-fried, a considerable number of people to join in the attitude of 3G or reservations. Even so, the various interest groups Rao is not explicitly or implicitly on the 3G waves, the author's enthusiasm remains unabated 3G attention. If you move outside claimed - "Move to change the life", led by the 3G mobile Internet era arrived quietly and thinking of trying to influence people's behavior. I believe this change to explode, detonating the key point is not to enhance transmission rate of hundreds or thousands of times, but in the application of mature content is timely penetrate people's lives - which we knows quite well.

Video phone, mobile search, 3G video surveillance, mobile payment, mobile TV, mobile gaming content ... ... a variety of applications such as shops begin to kaleidoscope of refraction. In a recent opinion on the collection activities of 3G applications, the more users that make mobile security needs, enough to see how people hold on 3G applications with high expectations. 3G services with foreign state to carry out a raging fire, compared to the beginning of the development of the domestic 3G into confusion. Apart from the terminal, user acceptance, content constraints, the business lines is an important factor constraining the development of one. It is understood that the widely used types of business are still in search, mobile IM, mobile email and so on.

2009 "stealing food trend" has indeed a great wave of entertainment at all times SNS social networking with people's nerves, even into 2010, there has been dissipated heat, but it is still retained to create a new round of 'mass movement' of fantasy. Human thinking constantly jump, the result is to guide the science and technology to improve the lives of more intelligent. The lens extends to foreign countries, 3G penetration in the application not only catch up with fashion among the young group, a variety of convenient services such as product discounts, ticket booking, video-on-demand is in people's lives, gaining in popularity.鍗充究鑺辨牱灞傚嚭涓嶇┓锛屼絾瀹楁棬鍙湁涓?釜锛屽嵆鏄敼鍠勪汉浠殑鐢熸椿銆傚湪鏉ョ湅鍥藉唴3G甯傚満锛屾垜浠嫢鏈夋渶骞挎硾鐨勭兢浼楀熀纭??鈥旀嵁涓浗浜掕仈缃戜腑蹇?CNNIC)鏈?柊鍏竷鐨勬暟鎹樉绀猴紝鎴鍒板幓骞村勾搴曪紝鎴戝浗鐨勬墜鏈虹綉姘戣妯″凡杈惧埌2.33浜匡紝鍗犵綉姘戞?浣撶殑60.8%銆傚簽澶х殑鐢ㄦ埛缇ゆ縺鍙戞垜浠3G搴旂敤鐨勬?鑰冿紝涓嶅彲鍚﹁锛岃繖鏄竴涓换閲嶈?閬撹繙鐨勮繃绋嬶紝闇?瑙e喅缁堢銆佺敤鎴锋帴鍙楀害銆佸唴瀹圭瓑澶氶噸闅鹃銆傛墍骞哥殑鏄紝3G鍙戝睍鎴戜滑鎵嶅垰鍒氬惎绋嬨? 4鏈?7-29鏃ュ嵆灏嗕簬鍖椾含涓捐鐨?010 NexCom Expo涓嬩竴浠g綉缁滈?淇″睍鏆–WCC涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細涓娿?CECC 涓浗浼佷笟閫氫俊澶т細灏嗗洿缁曗?鎬庢牱鐨?G鏉?墜绾у簲鐢ㄦ墠鑳借鎴戜滑鏀惧純2G鈥欒繖涓?儹鐐瑰懡棰樺睍寮?縺鐑堣璁恒?灞婃椂涓氱晫鍚勬柟绮捐嫳灏嗛綈鑱氫含鍩庯紝涓哄埌鍦鸿浼楃尞涓婃柊骞寸殑绮剧澶ч銆?br />
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

FTP operation of common sense

What is FTP? What FTP functions?
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used to transfer files on the Internet protocol (File Transfer Protocol). It is for us to each other in the Internet, transfer files and set file transfer standard, provides Internet on how to transfer files. In other words, through the FTP protocol, we can with the Internet, the FTP server for file upload (Upload) or download (Download) and other activities.
For a virtual host users, FTP is mainly used to upload the user's site to a virtual host or web pages downloaded from the host to the local.

What is anonymous FTP?
Anonymous FTP is the FTP server, login, users use "anonymous", password for your Email address you can login. Can be seen, anonymous Ftp is open to any user, but after landing the user's permission is very low, only download files from the server, but can not upload or modify content on the server, it can effectively help site owners of documents or software for Internet users on the downlink.

What is FTP HTTP?
Sometimes users need FTP to download files lasted for several hours, if line break, do not have the FTP server, FTP HTTP can only scratch the retransmission; have the FTP FTP HTTP HTTP server with FTP capabilities allows users to upload disconnected from place to continue driving, thereby greatly reducing the user's worries.

* By what means can FTP operation? What are commonly used FTP software?
(1) can be through FTP software, DOS mode, IE browser, etc. for FTP, most of them are using FTP software FTP management.
(2) FTP software includes: cuteftp, Leapftp,, flashFXP so. Dreamwave, and Frontpage have upload web pages.

路 DOS mode to use FTP
You can use WIN98 MS-DOS mode under. Or windows2000 in the annex to the command prompt, enter
C:> FTP domain
USER NAME: Administrator account
PASSWORD: password
LOCAL file filename
REMOTE file filename
You can upload
Download using GET command

路 FTP commands used
Ftp command's function is to the local machine and transfer files between remote machines. The general format of the command as follows:
c:> ftp host name / IP
The most commonly used commands are:
ls lists the remote machine's current directory
cd on the remote machine to change the working directory
lcd on the local machine to change the working directory
ascii Set the file transfer mode to ASCII mode
binary Set the file transfer mode to binary mode
close to terminate the current ftp session
End transmission data buffer for each hash in the data show a # sign after
get (mget) send the specified file from the remote machine to local machine
put (mput) send the specified file from the local machine to the remote machine
open to connect the remote ftp site
quit the remote machine to connect and disconnect and exit ftp
? Display local help information


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sonic Foundry Vegas 4.0 Image Sharpening novice Collection 28

Amateur DV shooting out of the image often appears rather ambiguous. Ambiguous reasons jitter, poor camera image quality, climate, etc. ... ... In short, will always have the image blurred. VEGAS 4 in use for post-production can be "appropriate" trim these fuzzy, is to sharpen the image operation. Sharpening operation to use any of the following two filters in one:

Convolution Kernel sharpening filter in effect

Sharp filter

To video material in accordance with previous method of adding video effects, can be added directly to the material sharpening filter. But add the sharpening filter directly cause the effect of sharpening the transition, the images may have some traces of mosaics. Compare the following three images.


Where 1 is the original image, 2 is added directly the effect of sharpening filter, sharpening after 3 is the effect of the synthesis. Add a sharpening filter directly in the background and the characters have some relief facial stripes, synthetic sharpening results not only enhance the sharpness, but also to maintain the finish of the screen itself.

Synthesis of sharpening methods described below:

In the new Vegas project to add two video tracks, to sharpen the video material to be added to the two respective video track.

Add the above the video track 1, 2 filters in one (Convolution Kernel filter in Sharp or Sharp filter). Properties dialog box do not have to set special effects, special effects directly close the Settings dialog box opens.

Point with the mouse, video track 1 video material of the upper edge of the mouse the image will become a hand model. At this point press the mouse, pull down, the video material will appear as a blue thread was pulled down the mouse. This is the video material of no direct line of transparency. Hand-type icon will appear next to the opacity value. When the value is 0% of the time, this video footage will be fully transparent, by default the opacity of the video material is 100%. Then pull the mouse up and down to adjust the opacity value. The effect of watching the preview window. Different video images, opacity 30% to 70% will have little effect produces the best video sharpening. Specific regulation can be by observing the time.

Synthesis of sharpening operation is completed. The advantage of synthetic sharpening sharpening effect of the improvement does not reduce the raw material of the color, saturation effect. This is where the advantage over direct sharpening.

Article writing to thank the help of Taiwan V4.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shenzhen, Hong Kong: forerunner of attitude

By the end of April, Morgan Stanley (MorganStanley) published a report on Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen, the development of the three ports of the forward-looking forecast boldly predicted in 2010, the throughput of Shenzhen Port will reach 33.5 million TEUs, will become the world's most busy container port, Hong Kong 27.9 million TEUs will be reduced to two throughput ports in the Mainland, the even out of the top three outside of Singapore.

The report Zhayi debut, it caused uproar in the industry. Recently, some people feel that Hong Kong's air cargo industry, as Shenzhen to Hong Kong, "snatch", a better distribution of the major shipping lines will be sailing, hanging sequence in Hong Kong to Shenzhen to Hong Kong, then Hong Kong will be difficult to turn over. "If the 10 berth in Hong Kong did not put into use in Shenzhen to Hong Kong in 2008 will be over!" Shekou Container Terminals Limited Public Affairs Manager Lin Yiping confidence.

Beyond Hong Kong?

Opened a map is very clear and Shenzhen, Hong Kong Island coastline is divided into two, east of Shenzhen Port and Hong Kong is referred to Western Port. Dapeng Bay, Yantian District, next to actually represent the Eastern Zone. The western port area is the pack and play, including Shekou Port, Chiwan, Mawan Port, East Point, and Fukunaga port so the first port, Shekou Container Terminals (SCT) and Chiwan Container Terminal (CCT) basically occupied the western half of the port.

Relying on the economic hinterland of the Pearl River Delta which borders Hong Kong's geographical advantage and Shenzhen to Hong Kong in the past 10 years in the rapidly emerging as the shortest in our history and the fastest growing port. The past 5 years, Shenzhen to Hong Kong explosive particularly alarming. Following a set of data recorded in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong into a world-class landmark: in 2001 to 5.08 million standard containers in the world, s 8,2002 to 7.61 million TEUs in the record jumped to No. 6,2003 more is 10.65 million years TEU rose to No. 4, 2004, when the Shenzhen Port achieved an incredible time of 13.659 million TEUs, and narrowing the gap between Shanghai and 100 million TEUs.
It was with this series of impressive wins and losses, Shenzhen, Hong Kong has also firmly established its container hub port in South China. At the same time, the industry also began to play a more stimulating and sensitive discussion of the topic: Shenzhen to Hong Kong over Shanghai in which year? Again in time overtake Hong Kong?

Such a sensitive topic for the Hong Kong side naturally feel uneasy and embarrassed. The reason is simple, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Hong Kong can not develop without cooperation, if one of the four pillar industries of Hong Kong's container transport industry is the same as the current transfer of manufacturing to Shenzhen, then Hong Kong will repeat the "industrial hollowing out" of trouble .

According to the Hong Kong Maritime experts, Dalian Maritime University, Institute Professor Qian Yaopeng departing introduced the mid 80s of last century, it is accepting a fertilizer, grain, steel and other bulk cargo transfer operations, Shenzhen, Hong Kong before take off. Since then, the Hong Kong port is to focus high technical content, yield excellent container business, an objective to promote the upgrading of the port of Hong Kong and Hong Kong's economic restructuring.
However, access to 90 years, the import and export container business growth in the Mainland, Hong Kong port container handling capacity has become tighter. Shenzhen, Hong Kong Port and Shipping sector saw relatively low capital costs and operating costs, and actively to invest in deep terminal complementarity between the growing role of the port.

In 2003, the Shenzhen port and water transport between Hong Kong, the container throughput reached 2.258 million TEUs, accounting for the data, the total throughput of Hong Kong in 2003 to 11%, even accounting for the total throughput of Shenzhen Port in 2003 to 21.2 %. In addition to water transport other than by land between Shenzhen and Hong Kong port's container volume of immigration is also very impressive, in 2003, and from two heavy boxes and empty the total container volume reached 8.433 million TEUs. "Thus, the development of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong is very important to support and supplement." Yao Qian Peng said.

In addition, industry experts also pointed out that while some of Hong Kong port cargo handling operations to Shenzhen, but as the advantages of carrying the policy of free port, combined with central nervous system as the port industry, the management center, information center, settlement center at the Hong Kong . In this way, can take advantage of our professional management, well-developed and flexible financial instruments and credit policy, but also can lower costs by virtue of Shenzhen, the ultimate guarantee that the grade of the port, added value and shareholder returns.

Foreign White

Rather meaning is causing great concern for Hong Kong today, a situation that the drama is directed by people of his own making.

In the Shenzhen Port and Shipping sector, or even transfer there is a way of saying: the eastern arm of Port Ka-shing and Hutchison Whampoa (HPH) of the site, while the Western Port is China Merchants Holdings International Co., Ltd. (CMH) of the site. Yantian port area east of Hutchison Whampoa's name and tied, thus forming the name of a foreign flavor - Yantian International (YICT). The western Shekou, Chiwan and Mawan Port, the capital of China Merchants are subject to infiltration.

In Shekou Container Terminals Limited (SCT) of the Administration Building roof, Lin Yiping SCT showed reporters a piece of "cake" of the composition. Pie from the shareholders can clearly see that China Merchants (Shekou Container Terminal) Holdings Co., Ltd. SCT occupies half of a project, Tit Netherlands (P & O Ports) Limited and Swire Pacific Ltd. to share with a works the other half "cake."

But first, the SCT a project this "cake", the "eat" method is not so. December 1988, China Merchants Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited and the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) to establish a joint venture in Shekou Container Terminals Ltd. (SCT), initial registered capital of HKD 75 million yuan, total investment of HKD 600 million yuan.

The next 14 years, SCT's stock transfer several times, to December 2002, by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Shenzhen Municipal Foreign Economic and Trade Bureau for approval, SCT original Chinese shareholder, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Corporation, its 17.5% stake held by the transfer to the British Virgin Islands-registered COSCO Terminal (Shekou) Co., Ltd.; former foreign shareholders, Pan Asia Bank Limited, one of iron, also a 25% stake held by the transfer to the railway line in the Netherlands, the Netherlands registered Limited . After the share transfer, SCT's business nature of the change from joint ventures with foreign-owned enterprise.

According to Lin Yiping introduction, SCT's Phase II by the China Merchants Holdings International Co., Ltd., Tit Overseas Holdings Ltd, Shekou Container Holdings Limited and Swire Pacific Ltd. and other four major shareholders control. China Merchants International 51% stake in a holding position to obtain the other three in turn divided up the remaining 49% stake.

In addition, by the end of March this year, China Merchants International HK 610 million cash acquisition of COSCO Pacific SCT held a 17.5% stake and the corresponding percentage of shareholder loans. After the acquisition, China Merchants International's stake in the SCT a proportion will rise to 50%, the holdings of China Merchants International in the SCT will make a total of three projects in control. In addition to an SCT, the China Merchants International is currently in Phase II and III were 51% and 100% of the shares.

Together with the SCT support from the overall situation of the western part of Shenzhen Chiwan Port Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (CCT), is Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited, Hong Kong, Kerry Inc., Haifeng Development Limited (in fact the modern Hong Kong China Merchants International Container Terminal and) common shares.

This year in April, with the commissioning of Mawan 5 berth, Mawan Port in Shenzhen Western concern in the beginning position. Although the scale and the SCT and CCT is difficult to compete, but also the long Mawan port. 1986 by the Southern Oil Sen Chang Group and Singapore set up a private company, 10 years, Mawan shareholders also changed several times. Up to 2001, from south to the oil group, Sinotrans Group and China Merchants Pacific-third of the world. December 17, 2004, with China Merchants Group, the Group entered the southern oil into reality, China Merchants finally completed the re-port on the western part of Shenzhen's strategic objectives.

For this series of acquisitions, China Merchants International President Dr. Fu Yuning said: "This is China Merchants business strategy to focus on the public pier another specific embodiment, will further strengthen our leading position in Shenzhen Western Port, and more for us the western port of Shenzhen operations coordination and management. "

Merchants scheming and gain dominance in the western port area is different, and Hutchison Whampoa to seek foothold in the east of Shenzhen Port heel, apparently without undergoing such a complicated a process.
October 1993, Yantian Port Group, the successful cooperation with the Li Ka-shing, a joint venture of the Yantian International Container Terminals Limited (YICT), to jointly build and operate a port, the second phase of 5 5-ton container berths. The end of 2001, the two sides signed another joint venture Yantian Container Terminal Phase III contract, and has a 65% stake in yellow.

In addition, in December 2004, and Huang Yantian AG together again to form Yantian West Port Terminals Limited. Early in May this year, they came and Huang Yantian Phase III expansion project involved investment news. If you eventually become the case, and yellow will truly permeate every Yantian Port Terminal projects.

Capital and market

"Shenzhen Hong Kong most of the local box is the source of more than 80% generated by the Pearl River Delta." In early March this year, the Shenzhen Municipal Transport Working Conference, Shenzhen Bureau of Transportation Secretary Liu Jiao stress again that this data.

In fact, the influx of foreign capital, in addition to the Shenzhen port construction to meet the large capital requirements, the is still virtually raised the level of the Shenzhen ports management and marketing degree. The industry believes that, because of the Shenzhen ports on both the hardware and software to a new level, just so tight vise, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and the PRD sources.

Since July 20, 1994, Yantian International welcomed the first ocean-going container ships "椹+鍩洪樋灏?Jixilasi" issue of the day, began imperceptibly YICT Hutchison received extensive experience in port operations rendering.

Yantian International Public Affairs of Hui-Min Du is very proud to tell reporters: "Our customs reform and the results are remarkable overseas traffic has smooth, efficient operation is also world-class!" According to Hui-Min Du introduced following last year's July 23 launch of a concentrated inspection , risk management, import and export declarations and other pre-measures, customs reform to speed. This year in January, Yantian District, Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Bureau took the lead in the opening of the Harbour rapid identification system to meet the import of empty container management. "Every year, imports of empty containers Yantian Port container volume accounted for 70% of imports, the system enables non-infected areas of empty containers from the port residence time of 2-3 days to 1-2 hours to achieve the entry empty effective supervision of the fast track. "

March, Yantian District, they were pre-declaration of import containers launched to improve the international transfer process, carried out a number of specific measures within the Extension. Mashijihai Luhua Nan Hu, General Manager, Operations Wing applauded the community: "This initiative actively adapt to the requirements of modern logistics efficiency, simplify procedures for international transit operations and improve international transit speed."

At the same time, Yantian International also launched from 2002 to Six Sigma as the core of the process innovation (PII). Every year around the launch of the port handling efficiency of different improvement projects. November 2004, Yantian International quay cranes operating efficiency on the average of 35 first time cranes times / hour, more than the major ports around the world in the 25 to 27 hang times / hour, the average operational efficiency. Yantian International also enhance customer service from the subtle Department has opened a Hong Kong master and gate information hotline, promote the "Hong Kong Express" smart card, providing online container inquiry a number of measures.

In addition, length 11.34 km, 1.7 billion investment in the deep salt is also the second channel to start in February this year, it will be distributing system Yantian another bright spot. The STB incoming branch of deep salt Secretary Zhou Tianlin even after the opening of the second channel cost savings out of Yantian container made a bold prediction: "It saved 120 million yuan!"

April 26, Yantian Port Logistics Group and the world's largest real estate services provider ProLogis signed a cooperation agreement, a total investment of 90 million U.S. dollars build an international logistics park. Next year in September, the operating area from the port is only 3 km away of the logistics park will be opened. "This will facilitate logistics facilities within the port land behind the continuous development of improved, as the Yantian port into a world-class to provide strong support." Zheng Jingsheng, chairman of the Yantian Port Group, which is full of expectations.

In 2004, Shenzhen, about 70% of US-bound cargo, 60% of all exports to the EU goods exports by Yantian Port, Yantian This is the level of international port management and operation of the recognition. April 27, 2005, Yantian International in Hong Kong was "the first freight logistics Award 2005 Best Container Terminal in China" title.

East meets West look forward to

"Foreigners to '= FOB Yantian, Shenzhen', but can not think of Shekou and Chiwan!" Lin Yiping rankled. In his opinion, the Yantian Port, Shenzhen is no longer dominated, SCT and CCT have achieved equal status with YICT.

However, an unavoidable fact that, YICT can greatly benefit from Hutchison Whampoa in the overseas network and influence. This unique condition is difficult to shake a time. To this end, Lin Yiping said: "In mid-June this year, we will work together with the mayor and the city went to Europe and the United States Department of Transportation at 'FOB Shenzhen' Promotion."

According to expert analysis, "FOB Yantian" limited the transport of cargo owners to obtain, and "FOB Shenzhen" is made to the customer more choice. In recent years, the western route opening up ports also have above-average performance, which makes "FOB Shenzhen" calls have increased.

"We made great progress in opening up routes, there are 39 international routes." Although not as Yantian International's 56, but Lin Yiping have been very satisfied. "Our advantage is that routes in Southeast Asia and Japan, while Yantian better route structure, the main routes in Europe and the Americas." SCT same with the western route opening up in the port of CCT is also no less, add 16 routes in 2004 the total to 42.

In addition to opening up routes to make full article, the focus on the reform of customs clearance is also a tireless efforts. "Shekou customs center and the western one-stop service platform for the project has been implemented, the international transit of goods and occasional all-weather fast track into the empty box, network monitoring, paperless customs clearance, on-line tax payment and a series of reform measures are being promoted." according to Lin Yiping say, the speed will be faster customs clearance, the cost will be further reduced, "the overall efficiency more attractive, while the owner!"

In addition to their efforts, SCT and CCT also dredging, open South China Shuttle and logistics park led to a number of aspects of cooperation.

Yantian Port SCT and CCT as lucky, occupy natural harbor without any dredging measures. From Lin Yiping display charts can be clearly seen, large ships often have to enter via Hong Kong, Shekou and Chiwan Ma Wan Channel. "In this way, he must bear the costs of the Hong Kong side, and tug the collection of pilotage fees, and there are time constraints through the Ma Wan Channel." Lin Yiping looked very helpless.

This passive force to unite the western port area, as early as 1993, he resolved to root out the Drum Channel, but for various reasons, delay in the commencement. "Tonggu Channel total length of 15 km with a total investment of 1.5 billion, last year commenced, and is expected to be completed in late 2006 or early 2007." Lin Yiping looking forward to the western access to the sea port to be completed as soon as possible.

"South China Shuttle" is the joint launch of SCT and CCT another hitting hard. According to Lin Yiping introduction, the cooperation project began in 2001, aimed at local shippers and shipping lines to provide a more convenient and rapid economic channels. In 2003, with the "Express" service coverage to the southern coast of the progressive development of the main terminal, "the Pearl River Delta Public Shuttle" will be greatly changed to the "South China Public Shuttle." At present, the South China Express service to the public barge covers to Guangzhou (Huangpu), Shunde, Jiangmen, Zhongshan, Nanhai, Foshan, Zhanjiang, Maoming, Zhuhai, Guangxi, 13 ports, and will soon extend to Hainan, Macau and other regions . "This project reflects the public nature of barge transportation, regular and economy, price highly competitive to meet the common needs of all shipping lines."

From this we can easily understand, the Pearl River Delta and South China coastal hinterland adequate supply barge feeder network and the opening of the Shenzhen Western customs environment to further improve the two terminals for the west more than 70 existing routes to provide a good international liner transport service assurance. "South China Shuttle direct contribution to the throughput rate of less than 10%, but was able to attract to its side effects of large-scale liner anchored, such a great impact on our business!" A source said YICT. In fact, It was with this move, the western port routes open up the last two years and more smoothly.

Although not the same as the Yantian port access "zone-port interaction" of the policy advantages, but the advantages of the western port of Land to the east than Port. Thus, by the China Merchants International led the first Gulf Logistics Park inspired his. The total investment of 5 billion yuan, covers an area of 3.5 square kilometers of Logistics Park in 2003 commenced. "One of the 200 thousand square meters will be reserved for regulation, bonded and yard features."

According to sources within China Merchants International, due to positioning errors, the initial planning of the commercial-scale logistics park has been greatly reduced now. "We are a very strong and Singapore logistics real estate negotiations." Appears, the former Bay Logistics Park will be through this cooperation as a response to Stephanopoulos and Yantian.

"We do not compete through price competition." Although the price difference between Eastern and Western Port obvious (cost equivalent to the eastern port in Western Port, 70%), but Lin Yiping, or more willing to see the East meets West side.


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Friday, July 30, 2010

Production activities yourself menu bar

QQ chatted with friends all its features put it down automatically hide the window, it can make the window look fresh and clean and highly dynamic, the author of a few friends want to add in your own web page similar to the East, through joint exploration found with Dreamweaer can accomplish this, the following us through the production of an active menu bar and see it.

Step 1: Create the menu appearance

In Dreamweaer create a new file, draw a layer in the layer into a table (Figure 1), was modified to the form, then add a menu item and create the hyperlink, in order to remove the hyperlink under the plan line, you can edit the CSS style hyperlinks in the CSS Styles panel by CSS selector to "Link" and "Hover" to "Decoration (decoration)" are set to "None (None)" will "Hover" to " Color (color) "is set to red, and finally set a good style applied to all menu bar (according to" F12 "key to preview the effect).

Figure 1

Step 2: The dynamic effects of menu design

1, the selected level, when the mouse becomes "10" shape, hold down the left button to drag the page top right corner of levels (so that the whole menu bar, but fully exposed on the edge just to move closer to a page boundary), in the Window menu to open time line panel, the selected level, drag it to the timeline, Dreamweaer will automatically generate a length 15 of the animated objects, drag the object in the animation the last key frame to 30, its length is set to 30 . Then in the first 15 Department Right-click the shortcut in the pop-up menu, select "Add key frames" option to insert a key frame, and drag to the appropriate level of position (Figure 2).

Figure 2

In the timeline window, the first 15 are again Right-click the shortcut in the pop-up menu, select "Add Action", the frame to add an interactive behavior, Dreamweaer panel will automatically open the act. Click conduct panel "+" button, select from the menu "Timeline / Stop Timeline", open "Stop Timeline" dialog box, select "Timeline1" and click "OK" button to close the dialog box. Interactions of events for the "onFrame15", action to "Stop Timeline", so that when the time line runs to 15, the animation will stop playing, so to achieve the menu bar resilient functions.

2, using the same method in the time line of the first 30 Department also added a "Stop Timeline" of interactions, thus achieving a menu pop-up function.娣诲姞浜嗚繖涓や釜浜や簰琛屼负鍚庯紝鍦ㄦ椂闂寸嚎绐楀彛鐨勭浉搴斿抚涓婇潰閮藉嚭鐜颁簡涓?釜钃濊壊鏂瑰潡锛屽畠浠h〃涓?釜浜や簰琛屼负銆傞?鎷┾?鑷姩鎾斁鍜屽惊鐜?澶嶉?妗嗭紝浣垮姩鐢昏兘澶熻嚜鍔ㄥ惊鐜挱鏀撅紙濡傚浘3锛夈?

Figure 3

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

DDSN analysis, PLM value for the DDSN

Companies are the DDSN (due to be moving in the supply chain network) to create efficiency and growth as a new mechanism. According to professional research organization based AMR data, if we can quickly meet customer demand, the company will gain significant and reflected in the company's return on assets, earnings per share and the marginal rate of return on these key evaluation criteria. Enterprises DDSN not only technical, but also the need for process changes, thereby changing needs of our customers to make faster and better response. When people on the target demand, supply, product changes in more and more attention, the company can not be ignored to allow DDSN based on the successful implementation of the IT platform replacement.

DDSN requires IT organizations to integrate the enterprise network to change the concept of DDSN

AMR research on the DDSN (due to be moving in the supply chain network) make the following definition: able to connect customers, suppliers, and employment needs of those three networks to respond to real-time technology and workflow systems.

The key elements of this definition is the system requirements, network. How can IT organizations, a reasonable application of these elements need careful consideration.

* Systems - IT no system, there is no measure. Existing IT systems or dedicated or committed to supply the demand, but can not be successfully integrated perspective on both, so a product can not solve the connection when screening the basis of supply and demand issues, does not give the IT implementation who make decisions to provide the necessary basis to judge.

* Requirements - IT can no longer be a simple measure of the individual implementation plan. Since the IT budget to maintain the status quo, IT need better analysis of investment potential, and then make a positive impact for the company's decision.

* Network - if you do not change the business vertical single supplier of raw materials, very few IT shops to be successful. Focus on core strength, ability to use external services to the company will bring great impact on performance.

Conclusion: The demand is changing not only the induction ability of basic business systems need to IT organizations, processes, and support and management staff of this change. Those with DDSN companies must look at their IT systems, demand and network and then determine whether the present model can support DDSN, and see whether this inspection. If an IT shop has a technology, capable of receiving orders, committed to supply the platform, then it is suitable for enterprises to embrace DDSN.

Global trade has reached maturity stage in support of DDSN

The company is speeding up global markets to open up new opportunities for potential demand. Large-scale manufacturing industry is accelerating the use of more low-cost raw materials and overseas production capacity. Governments around the world are continuing to increase and improve the safety rules and regulations, particularly those related to international commodity circulation system. For today's business professionals, above all to speed up the importance of global trade management.

Global Trade Management Automation technology has matured and continues to move forward. Data at any time convenient to obtain the required technology to help solve many companies because of the need to establish a global supply chain network moving problem.

Around this time last year, AMR research article warning that "When Xerox GT NEXUS as the SCEM, the data integrity is Xerox's top priority." AMR research report on GT NEXUS how Xerox was chosen to help solve it in the global supply chain network exposed complicated management and cooperation. Through the full range of verification, GT NEXUS provides a solution for the Xerox. Xerox through the use of GT NEXUS-demand model for only four months, they begin to adjust a large number of products across international flows, including Japan and other Asian countries, North America, Mexico and Europe. Since then, several other companies, including one well-known retailers have successfully entered the DDSN of the run-in period.

Xerox on this case alone, the network involves four main cargo transportation enterprises, two customs brokers, Ryder logistics companies and shipping companies shipping 7. The units for the coordination and implementation of the services provided real-time dynamic service.

Despite the DDSN in international logistics role and status can not be ignored, but the GT NEXUS very strange discovery in the procurement and consumer goods industries DDSN cooperation than in the logistics industry, users need more. This phenomenon is because in the international logistics in general goods carriers, third-party logistics companies and shipping companies are dependent on each transport. These companies expect the network members to provide online services. With the expansion of global trade, global logistics coordination needs also increased. NextLinx such as Open Harbor, and the expertise and service providers launch new services, such as security guarantees and flexible adjustment. These suppliers to adjust to business rules and business think tank to provide online support, but also for the customer needs the import, export and trade agreement management, online think-tank support.

According to the current look, many software department is also coordinating a number of fragmented suppliers products. GT Nexus and Open Harbor, the two companies to provide demand-driven system, they have each other to connect to other systems, such trade, the uncertain task of globalization in a larger transparency of the logistics network to adjust implementation and tracking. This joint provision of services has attracted the attention of two major retailers.

Conclusion: These type of software before the upstart company is now also gradually become mature, they set up in accordance with market demand, global logistics and trade management automation platform, and for the establishment of this repayment installments can provide customers with comprehensive services platform and the cost The substantial investment. The network is under construction, many multinational companies have already begun to use this platform. The platform for enterprises to solve complex problems of global supply chain reduce costs. This professional platform to promote enterprise development to DDSN, so upgrading the early period, the total cost of ownership, management capacity, so that the global supply chain management visibility to global supply chain more flexible and responsive. AMR research institutions will be produced in a report set out the wide choice of applications to support global trade management technology prospects.

PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) in DDSN (due to be moving in the supply chain network) plays a vital role in

Moving because of the need to have products supply chain network management strategy - the changing needs of our customers respond, and has global design and production of the regional partners.

To readjust the product life cycle management strategies to support DDSN. In order to ensure product design to meet the high demand, accelerate product design, product management, strategy development process is an important part. Will support each PLM product management strategy.

DDSN is not only the latest state of supply chain management, it will demand, supply and product management strategies together to ensure that business operations are facing the real needs of customers (see ARM professional research report: "DDSN: 21 century, the demand for supply). Therefore, manufacturers must recognize that PLM strategy to adapt to the importance of DDSN.

The first step: to find product management and DDSN requirements and supply management in the intersection. As follows:

? Demand - product life cycle management of customer demand management to ensure product design and development process to changing customer needs. Developed products that can truly meet the needs of the market, while avoiding because of sluggish sales and the backlog of inventory.

? Supply - in the product development process, the direct control of raw materials, collaborative product design and product management of the securities will be adjusted to speed up the procurement process and distribution team. Product data management in the supply chain to ensure continued sharing of product data.

Step Two: by DDSN maturity model to assess the maturity of product management, product management decision is in response, participation, cooperation or coordination of the kind of stage. Comparison of demand and supply of maturity, and gradually make them at the same stage.

Conclusion: DDSN through the system quickly understand the changing needs of our customers to fulfill the real needs of customers. Product life cycle management strategies to meet the market demand for shorter development cycle of new products and technologies through technology such as the reuse to ensure that supply is in line with changing needs, and more efficient.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Andromeda Hyper iPhone Converter

Andromeda Apps Andromeda Hyper iPhone Converter is an intuitive to use program which convert your favourite Movie to iPhone File for playing on Apple iPhone easily and quickly! Watch your own Videos on your iphone anytime, anywhere. It features superb video and audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques available on the market. Very easy to use and user friendly interface. Features: - Convert from DivX, XviD, AVI, MP4 format - Convert from 3GP, 3G2 format - Convert from WMV, ASF format - Convert from VOB, MPG, DV, M1V, M2V, MOV, MPEG-4 formats - Convert from RM, RMVB format - Convert from FLV and many of other input formats - Support predefined output profiles - Support various output video format and video size - Automatically can shutdown computer after long time conversion - Easy-to-use interface - Output profile is adjustable, you can compress movies to any size and quality you need - With latest industry standards, It creates best picture and audio quality

Recommand Link:

Youtube FLV Converter + Player FREEWARE


Bluesea MPEG To RM

Youtube Video To SWF Application

Merry Music AC3 to OGG Ripper

best application Program lists

ValeSoft Video to Apple TV Converter

Direct WAV MP3 Splitter

DVD-Audio To MP2 Plus


Verysoft iPod Movie/Video CONVERTER

Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner


SuperBurner DivX Converter


Free DVD Ripper by Topviewsoft

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

MP4 Converter

MP4 Converter 2.01 is a DVD to iPod MP4 converter and video to iPod MP4 converter all-in-one software, very useful for converting video AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, ASX to MP4 and convert DVD VOB files to MP4 Video format for playing on your Apple video iPod player.

MP4 Converter - a video to iPod converter support convert popular video formats: *.avi, *.wmv, *.asf, *.asx, *.mpg, *.m1v, *.m2v, *.m2p, *.vob etc. to MP4 iPod video format.

MP4 Converter - is also DVD to iPod converter software for Apple Video iPod Player. It can convert DVD VOB files to MP4 iPod Video format directly with very fast conversion speed, It is easy to use, just put the DVD movie disc on your DVD-ROM, select the VOB file(s) you hope to convert to MP4, then click the [Convert] button.

P4 Converter 2.01 Key Features:

MP4 Converter is very useful DVD video to iPod covnerter for converting AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, ASX and DVD VOB files to MP4 iPod Video format. the key features are:

# Convert AVI to MP4 iPod Video format.
# Convert MPEG to MP4 iPod Video format.
# Convert WMV to MP4 iPod Video format.
# Convert ASF ASX to MP4 iPod Video format.
# Convert Quick Time to MP4 iPod Video format.
# Easy to use and user-friendly interface.
# Convert DVD VOB files to MP4 iPod Video format directly.
# MP4 Converter supports video formats: *.avi, *.wmv, *.asf, *.asx, *.mpg, *.m1v, *.m2v, *.m2p, *.vob.
This version fixed some bugs and supports more formats.

Recommand Link:

convert ts to dvd software

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Leapic Video Joiner

Leapic Video Joiner is a powerful video tool to join multiple video files into one large video file. You can also use it to convert a single video file. You can join as many video files as you wish and easily rearrange their order if needed. You can preview video files directly in Leapic Video Joiner. Some other Software can only join same type of video files but this software can join different types of video files (with different video formats, different video sizes and different audio formats) into one file without any problem.

Leapic Video Joiner supports the following video formats:
AVI: Standard AVI (uncompressed), MPEG4, DivX, XviD and more, it depends on the codec installed on your computer.
WMV/ASF: WMV, ASF, ASX and all Windows Media Video formats.
Quick Time: Quick Time Video formats.

Main Features:
Friendly user interface.
Join small AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, MOV, QT files into large file.
Selectable Video or Audio Codec.
Video files can be different types.
Convert to AVI (Divx, XviD, etc.)
Convert to MPEG I/II.
Predefine MPEG format, includes PAL/NTSC VCD, SVCD and DVD formats.
Extreme fast Conversion speed.

Minimum requirements:
1) Windows 95/98/ME or Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003.
2) About 10 MB of disk space for installation. According to the video files, it needs more disk space for proper working.
3) 586 CPU or higher (Strongly Recommend PIII 1G or higher).
4) 128 MB RAM or more.
5) Sound card.

Recommand Link:

Changing vob into 3gpp

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Youtube Video to Psion Today

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moyea DVD to 3GP Converter

Moyea DVD to 3GP Converter is an easy-to-use DVD ripper for ripping DVD to 3GP and 3G2 formats for the playback on cell phone. You can also rip DVD to audio files in MP3 and AAC format to get a classic dialog or song on your cell phone. You can crop and trim the video, merge multiple chapters or segments into one file in 3GP format with Moyea DVD to 3GP Converter.

Moyea DVD to 3GP Converter is suitable for users who share and enjoy movies on cell phone anytime and anywhere. The super fast conversion speed enables you to transfer videos and the ripped audio to your cell phone without waiting a long time.

Recommand Link:

Change mov format

Saturday, March 13, 2010

MIDI Workplace

Imagine that you are converting a MIDI file to either WAV or MP3 and listening to your favourite music at the same time. Imagine that music converting doesn't prevent you from playing games or watching video on your computer. Impossible? No longer, if you convert your music with MIDI Workplace. Unlike its competing products, this converter with a user-friendly interface can process MIDI files without using the sound card, so no unwanted sounds will be recorded in the file even if you decide to listen to a symphony while converting.

As if that wasn't enough for the product to become a must have for every user, MIDI Workplace also allows you to change the tempo and tone of the composition. Moreover, if you need to manage parts of different instruments in a track, all you need is to put ticks near parts that you need. Excluding a piano part is now as easy as a pie. And in case you accidentally did something wrong, you can always restore the settings to default. Select quality level of the output file and its format, save it anywhere you want and feel yourself like a real sound producer.

A great positive thing about MIDI Workplace is that its interface is intuitive: hardly will you need any help to start using the program. Even if you are a complete beginner and have never converted MIDI files before, it will take you no more than a couple of minutes to come to know how to do this.

Sum all these advantages, and you'll understand that easy, quick and convenient music converting is just a couple of mouse clicks away. MIDI Workshop is compatible with Windows 98 and higher.

Recommand Link:

Easiest Way To Change Ram

Friday, March 5, 2010

Magicbit DVD to MP4 Converter

Magicbit DVD to MP4 Converter helps you rip and convert DVD to MP4 or DVD to AVI, MPEG4, DivX, XviD video format. This DVD to MP4 Converter has more settings you can customize. It allows you to convert DVD to MP4 by custom file size, rip DVD's any segment, select target subtitle and audio track, and so on.

DVD to MP4 Converter supports the most up-to-date MPEG-4 AVC Video Format and Apple TV, iPod, iPhone, PSP AVC Video Format.

The output movies are playable on most of portable media players (MP4 player) such as Archos AV500, Archos AV700, Archos GMini402, iRiver PMP-100, Creative Zen Vision, etc. Magicbit DVD to MP4 Converter also convert DVD to iPod movie and PSP video and rip DVD to audio formats MP3, AAC, M4A.
* This DVD to DivX ripping software helps you rip and convert DVD to MP4 or DVD to AVI, MPEG4, DivX, XviD video format easily and super fast.
* All encoders are built-in - The software integrates with all encoders/codec so buyers can convert all supported formats.
* You can see the ripping progress in preview window.
* Support ripping DVD by custom file size or quality.
* Extract the audio from DVD.
* Can select target subtitle, angel and audio track.
* Very easy to use, no matter whether you are a veteran or a beginner.
* Excellent video and audio quality.
* It will check your CPU type automatically, provide high performence and fastest conversion speed than other software.
* Runs great on your Intel or AMD PC.
* And Much More to Explore...

Recommand Link:

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eztoo WMV Video Converter

With WMV Video Converter can converts between all popular video formats such as convert VOB, MPEG, MPG, MKV, M2V, AVI, WMV, ASF, 3GP, FLV, MP4, MPEG4, M4V, RM, RMVB, MOV, MPV, TS etc format to WMV(Windows Media Video) file.

WMV Video Converter can Convert MPG (MPEG-1 and MPEG-2) to WMV (Windows Media Video). With its easy-to-use interface, you can complete the conversion in few clicks. The image is clear-cut and the conversion speed is fantastic (up to 600%)!

Featured as easy to use, Eztoo WMV Video Converter allows you to complete all tasks by simply one clicks.

Recommand Link:

mxf to mpg Conversion tool

Monday, February 22, 2010

Yaease Flash to Video Studio

Yaease Flash to Video Studio is a professional and multifunctional converter tool.It allowes you to convert Macromedia Flash(SWF) to digital video and audio file.Add text or image watermark to export video file. You can convert flash to digital video files,Such as SWF to AVI, MOV, 3GP movie (3GPP,3GPP2), MP4 (iPod , iPhone and PSP movie), etc.The converting process in windowed mode with no frame skip. It supports audio conversion. The audio data can be quickly created to wave or mp3 format from the original SWF file. The edit function is powerful.You can add text or image watermarks.Set the transparency of the watermarks,adjust the font color,font size,width,height and so on. If you use it for your favorite portable players or smart phones,particularly iPhone,iPod, Zune,PSP etc.Yaease Flash to Video Studio is very suitable and useful for you.

Recommand Link:

download avi to psp software

Thursday, January 28, 2010

X-Soft DVD to iPod Converter

Are you looking for a smart DVD to MP4 Converter or DVD to iPod Converter? Do you want the tool to be very compatible, very quick speed, and with very excellent output video quality? Here it is, X-Soft DVD to iPod Converter. The best DVD to iPod Converter is ready for downloading now.

X-Soft DVD to iPod Converter features the highest DVD converting speed, the best output video quality, and fully tested on hundreds of different DVD-ROMs and DVD Movie discs that makes it qualified for strict compatibility standards.

According to our testing, X-Soft DVD to iPod Converter runs very smoothly on all tested DVD-ROMs including the worst one and the best one. And X-Soft DVD to iPod Converter extracts perfect video from hundreds of DVD Movie discs from the most popular movies to those rarely known to most people.

X-Soft DVD to iPod Converter enables you to different video options including MP4 video codec Xvid and H264, a rich list of different resolutions, video bitrates, video frame rates, audio bitrates, audio frequency, etc.

Why choose X-Soft DVD to iPod Converter?

Convert DVD to MP4 video for Apple iPod or Sony PSP
Support MP4 codec Xvid or H264
The highest converting speed
The best output video quality
Compatible with all DVD drive and DVD disc
More features ...

New version fixed some important bugs! Now Support Windows Vista system!

Recommand Link:

Asf to ts

Friday, January 22, 2010

Youtube Video to Psion Products

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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