Saturday, October 23, 2010

Birth of baby mood (angry dolls)

4, combustion doll

- Do not mess with me, but I'm really frustrated with it!

1. As usual, open the Basic file, save as Angry.psd. First, remove the eyes and mouth where the layers, we will provide it another design. Select Face layer, with Hue / Saturation command this layer of dyed red, or you can set up directly after the fill foreground layer.

2. Copy Face layer, rename the mouth, we also use the old methods to create doll's mouth. Mouth filled with a layer of white opaque areas, copy of a copy of the layer after deformation, the two layers with a subtraction method to get the shape we need, the specific process as shown below. (Figure 18)

Figure 18

3. Then of course add the line process. First to the mouth strokes, strokes color is black and width 1 pixel, the middle strokes. Then the new layer, use the Line tool to draw some vertical lines, will put together the layer with the mouth. (Figure 19)

Figure 19

4. New layer, named the Eye, first with the ellipse tool to draw a black oval shape, slightly rotated, with the variability of the lasso tool to select a constituency, to delete the selected area of ellipse, as shown in Figure 20a. Cancel your selection, copy this layer, flip, deformation, move to the right place, a doll's other eye. (Figure 20b)

Figure 20a

Figure 20b

Common sense tells us that people are angry when the pupil to contract, we can use that anger to the full performance of dolls. The process is simple, the new layer, use the ellipse tool, draw a red circle, by copying, flipping and moving the process to complete the production of the pupil. (Figure 20c)

Figure 20c

Now, put together all the visible layers, down to 60% of the size, we have to start making it look like the furious.

5. New layer, named the Fire, to set the foreground color to RGB (255,192,0), the background color is RGB (255,216,0), with the freedom of the Lasso tool to select a flame shape, with the emergence order soft constituency of what the edge of a radius of 2 pixels or so; with clouds rendering filter layer electoral districts, abolition of selection. (Figure 21a)

Figure 21a

Copy Fire layer, application layer in the Fire Motion Blur, angle 0, distance of roughly 90 pixels, with a mobile tool for this layer to the right. (Figure 21b)

Figure 21b

Select Fire copy of the layer, in this layer, we use the layer style to imitate the flame of light and dark. Select slope and relief style, set the style for the inner slope structure, method for the smooth, 250% depth, direction, the size of 21 pixels, softening to 2 pixels; set the shadow angle of -60 degrees and an altitude of 40, abolition of the global light, high light model color filter, color is RGB (252,255,0), opacity 100%, dark tone mode is normal, the color is RGB (255,162,0), 70% opacity; second set texture, we choose the first texture pattern, scaled to 160%, 80% depth, select the RP and with the link layer, the image shown below. (Figure 21c)

Figure 21c

Want to make the flame more mobility then choose the next wave filter distortion filter, random set parameters, the flame will be randomly distorted shape, but before using the wave filter, first included in this layer of transparent regions In this way, the flame shape they are not to be too discrete. Maintain the constituency, with a Gaussian blur filter to the constituency blurring radius of 8 pixels, de-select. (Figure 21d)

Figure 21d

Fire copy copying layer, a copy of the Fire 2 layer opacity reduced to 60%; the Fire copy of the layer's brightness, contrast, 21,43 respectively, to mixed mode to soft light layer. Finally, put together all the layers, the left moving image, and then add a white background. (Figure Angry)

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

09 'happy to steal food' in 2010 what we steal?

- What 3G applications to copy the 'stealing food trend'

Taoism advocated cautious and subtle ideological content of most of people of doing things. In the past year, even if occasionally mixed with almost concerned about 3G in the domestic market, stir-fried, a considerable number of people to join in the attitude of 3G or reservations. Even so, the various interest groups Rao is not explicitly or implicitly on the 3G waves, the author's enthusiasm remains unabated 3G attention. If you move outside claimed - "Move to change the life", led by the 3G mobile Internet era arrived quietly and thinking of trying to influence people's behavior. I believe this change to explode, detonating the key point is not to enhance transmission rate of hundreds or thousands of times, but in the application of mature content is timely penetrate people's lives - which we knows quite well.

Video phone, mobile search, 3G video surveillance, mobile payment, mobile TV, mobile gaming content ... ... a variety of applications such as shops begin to kaleidoscope of refraction. In a recent opinion on the collection activities of 3G applications, the more users that make mobile security needs, enough to see how people hold on 3G applications with high expectations. 3G services with foreign state to carry out a raging fire, compared to the beginning of the development of the domestic 3G into confusion. Apart from the terminal, user acceptance, content constraints, the business lines is an important factor constraining the development of one. It is understood that the widely used types of business are still in search, mobile IM, mobile email and so on.

2009 "stealing food trend" has indeed a great wave of entertainment at all times SNS social networking with people's nerves, even into 2010, there has been dissipated heat, but it is still retained to create a new round of 'mass movement' of fantasy. Human thinking constantly jump, the result is to guide the science and technology to improve the lives of more intelligent. The lens extends to foreign countries, 3G penetration in the application not only catch up with fashion among the young group, a variety of convenient services such as product discounts, ticket booking, video-on-demand is in people's lives, gaining in popularity.鍗充究鑺辨牱灞傚嚭涓嶇┓锛屼絾瀹楁棬鍙湁涓?釜锛屽嵆鏄敼鍠勪汉浠殑鐢熸椿銆傚湪鏉ョ湅鍥藉唴3G甯傚満锛屾垜浠嫢鏈夋渶骞挎硾鐨勭兢浼楀熀纭??鈥旀嵁涓浗浜掕仈缃戜腑蹇?CNNIC)鏈?柊鍏竷鐨勬暟鎹樉绀猴紝鎴鍒板幓骞村勾搴曪紝鎴戝浗鐨勬墜鏈虹綉姘戣妯″凡杈惧埌2.33浜匡紝鍗犵綉姘戞?浣撶殑60.8%銆傚簽澶х殑鐢ㄦ埛缇ゆ縺鍙戞垜浠3G搴旂敤鐨勬?鑰冿紝涓嶅彲鍚﹁锛岃繖鏄竴涓换閲嶈?閬撹繙鐨勮繃绋嬶紝闇?瑙e喅缁堢銆佺敤鎴锋帴鍙楀害銆佸唴瀹圭瓑澶氶噸闅鹃銆傛墍骞哥殑鏄紝3G鍙戝睍鎴戜滑鎵嶅垰鍒氬惎绋嬨? 4鏈?7-29鏃ュ嵆灏嗕簬鍖椾含涓捐鐨?010 NexCom Expo涓嬩竴浠g綉缁滈?淇″睍鏆–WCC涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細涓娿?CECC 涓浗浼佷笟閫氫俊澶т細灏嗗洿缁曗?鎬庢牱鐨?G鏉?墜绾у簲鐢ㄦ墠鑳借鎴戜滑鏀惧純2G鈥欒繖涓?儹鐐瑰懡棰樺睍寮?縺鐑堣璁恒?灞婃椂涓氱晫鍚勬柟绮捐嫳灏嗛綈鑱氫含鍩庯紝涓哄埌鍦鸿浼楃尞涓婃柊骞寸殑绮剧澶ч銆?br />
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

FTP operation of common sense

What is FTP? What FTP functions?
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used to transfer files on the Internet protocol (File Transfer Protocol). It is for us to each other in the Internet, transfer files and set file transfer standard, provides Internet on how to transfer files. In other words, through the FTP protocol, we can with the Internet, the FTP server for file upload (Upload) or download (Download) and other activities.
For a virtual host users, FTP is mainly used to upload the user's site to a virtual host or web pages downloaded from the host to the local.

What is anonymous FTP?
Anonymous FTP is the FTP server, login, users use "anonymous", password for your Email address you can login. Can be seen, anonymous Ftp is open to any user, but after landing the user's permission is very low, only download files from the server, but can not upload or modify content on the server, it can effectively help site owners of documents or software for Internet users on the downlink.

What is FTP HTTP?
Sometimes users need FTP to download files lasted for several hours, if line break, do not have the FTP server, FTP HTTP can only scratch the retransmission; have the FTP FTP HTTP HTTP server with FTP capabilities allows users to upload disconnected from place to continue driving, thereby greatly reducing the user's worries.

* By what means can FTP operation? What are commonly used FTP software?
(1) can be through FTP software, DOS mode, IE browser, etc. for FTP, most of them are using FTP software FTP management.
(2) FTP software includes: cuteftp, Leapftp,, flashFXP so. Dreamwave, and Frontpage have upload web pages.

路 DOS mode to use FTP
You can use WIN98 MS-DOS mode under. Or windows2000 in the annex to the command prompt, enter
C:> FTP domain
USER NAME: Administrator account
PASSWORD: password
LOCAL file filename
REMOTE file filename
You can upload
Download using GET command

路 FTP commands used
Ftp command's function is to the local machine and transfer files between remote machines. The general format of the command as follows:
c:> ftp host name / IP
The most commonly used commands are:
ls lists the remote machine's current directory
cd on the remote machine to change the working directory
lcd on the local machine to change the working directory
ascii Set the file transfer mode to ASCII mode
binary Set the file transfer mode to binary mode
close to terminate the current ftp session
End transmission data buffer for each hash in the data show a # sign after
get (mget) send the specified file from the remote machine to local machine
put (mput) send the specified file from the local machine to the remote machine
open to connect the remote ftp site
quit the remote machine to connect and disconnect and exit ftp
? Display local help information


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