Friday, July 30, 2010

Production activities yourself menu bar

QQ chatted with friends all its features put it down automatically hide the window, it can make the window look fresh and clean and highly dynamic, the author of a few friends want to add in your own web page similar to the East, through joint exploration found with Dreamweaer can accomplish this, the following us through the production of an active menu bar and see it.

Step 1: Create the menu appearance

In Dreamweaer create a new file, draw a layer in the layer into a table (Figure 1), was modified to the form, then add a menu item and create the hyperlink, in order to remove the hyperlink under the plan line, you can edit the CSS style hyperlinks in the CSS Styles panel by CSS selector to "Link" and "Hover" to "Decoration (decoration)" are set to "None (None)" will "Hover" to " Color (color) "is set to red, and finally set a good style applied to all menu bar (according to" F12 "key to preview the effect).

Figure 1

Step 2: The dynamic effects of menu design

1, the selected level, when the mouse becomes "10" shape, hold down the left button to drag the page top right corner of levels (so that the whole menu bar, but fully exposed on the edge just to move closer to a page boundary), in the Window menu to open time line panel, the selected level, drag it to the timeline, Dreamweaer will automatically generate a length 15 of the animated objects, drag the object in the animation the last key frame to 30, its length is set to 30 . Then in the first 15 Department Right-click the shortcut in the pop-up menu, select "Add key frames" option to insert a key frame, and drag to the appropriate level of position (Figure 2).

Figure 2

In the timeline window, the first 15 are again Right-click the shortcut in the pop-up menu, select "Add Action", the frame to add an interactive behavior, Dreamweaer panel will automatically open the act. Click conduct panel "+" button, select from the menu "Timeline / Stop Timeline", open "Stop Timeline" dialog box, select "Timeline1" and click "OK" button to close the dialog box. Interactions of events for the "onFrame15", action to "Stop Timeline", so that when the time line runs to 15, the animation will stop playing, so to achieve the menu bar resilient functions.

2, using the same method in the time line of the first 30 Department also added a "Stop Timeline" of interactions, thus achieving a menu pop-up function.娣诲姞浜嗚繖涓や釜浜や簰琛屼负鍚庯紝鍦ㄦ椂闂寸嚎绐楀彛鐨勭浉搴斿抚涓婇潰閮藉嚭鐜颁簡涓?釜钃濊壊鏂瑰潡锛屽畠浠h〃涓?釜浜や簰琛屼负銆傞?鎷┾?鑷姩鎾斁鍜屽惊鐜?澶嶉?妗嗭紝浣垮姩鐢昏兘澶熻嚜鍔ㄥ惊鐜挱鏀撅紙濡傚浘3锛夈?

Figure 3

銆??3銆佺幇鍦ㄨ繕瑕佽缃竴涓涓鸿鏃堕棿绾垮仠姝㈠悗鑳界户缁挱鏀俱?鎴戠殑璁炬兂鏄繖鏍风殑锛氬湪涓?埇鐘舵?涓嬭彍鍗曟潯寮瑰洖浣嗕粎淇濈暀涓嬫柟鐨勨?鏍″洯澶ц鈥濆瓧鏍凤紝鑰岃彍鍗曟潯鍐嶆寮瑰嚭鍜屽脊鍥炲垯鐢遍紶鏍囨槸鍚︾粡杩囦簡鑿滃崟鏉′笂鐨勨?鏍″洯澶ц鈥濇潵鎺у埗銆傚姝ゅ彲浠ヨ繖鏍风户缁繘琛岋細閫夊畾鑿滃崟鏉′腑鐨勨?鏍″洯澶ц鈥濓紙瑕佺‘淇濊瀛楁牱鐨勮秴閾炬帴鍦板潃涓衡?#鈥濓紝鍗崇┖閾炬帴锛夊瓧鏍凤紝鍗曞嚮琛屼负闈㈡澘涓殑鈥?鈥濇寜閽紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑鑿滃崟涓?鎷┾?Timeline/Play Timeline鈥濓紝鍦ㄦ帴鐫?脊鍑虹殑瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑閫夋嫨鈥淭imeline1鈥濆悗鍗曞嚮纭畾鎸夐挳锛岃繖鏃惰涓洪潰鏉夸腑灏嗗鍔犱竴涓涓猴紝鍦ㄥ叾鈥淓vents鈥濅笅鎷夊垪琛ㄤ腑閫夋嫨鈥渘MouseOver鈥濅簨浠讹紝琛ㄧず褰撻紶鏍囧浜庤瀛楁牱涓婃柟鏃舵挱鏀惧姩鐢伙紙濡傚浘4锛夈?

Figure 4




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Thursday, July 15, 2010

DDSN analysis, PLM value for the DDSN

Companies are the DDSN (due to be moving in the supply chain network) to create efficiency and growth as a new mechanism. According to professional research organization based AMR data, if we can quickly meet customer demand, the company will gain significant and reflected in the company's return on assets, earnings per share and the marginal rate of return on these key evaluation criteria. Enterprises DDSN not only technical, but also the need for process changes, thereby changing needs of our customers to make faster and better response. When people on the target demand, supply, product changes in more and more attention, the company can not be ignored to allow DDSN based on the successful implementation of the IT platform replacement.

DDSN requires IT organizations to integrate the enterprise network to change the concept of DDSN

AMR research on the DDSN (due to be moving in the supply chain network) make the following definition: able to connect customers, suppliers, and employment needs of those three networks to respond to real-time technology and workflow systems.

The key elements of this definition is the system requirements, network. How can IT organizations, a reasonable application of these elements need careful consideration.

* Systems - IT no system, there is no measure. Existing IT systems or dedicated or committed to supply the demand, but can not be successfully integrated perspective on both, so a product can not solve the connection when screening the basis of supply and demand issues, does not give the IT implementation who make decisions to provide the necessary basis to judge.

* Requirements - IT can no longer be a simple measure of the individual implementation plan. Since the IT budget to maintain the status quo, IT need better analysis of investment potential, and then make a positive impact for the company's decision.

* Network - if you do not change the business vertical single supplier of raw materials, very few IT shops to be successful. Focus on core strength, ability to use external services to the company will bring great impact on performance.

Conclusion: The demand is changing not only the induction ability of basic business systems need to IT organizations, processes, and support and management staff of this change. Those with DDSN companies must look at their IT systems, demand and network and then determine whether the present model can support DDSN, and see whether this inspection. If an IT shop has a technology, capable of receiving orders, committed to supply the platform, then it is suitable for enterprises to embrace DDSN.

Global trade has reached maturity stage in support of DDSN

The company is speeding up global markets to open up new opportunities for potential demand. Large-scale manufacturing industry is accelerating the use of more low-cost raw materials and overseas production capacity. Governments around the world are continuing to increase and improve the safety rules and regulations, particularly those related to international commodity circulation system. For today's business professionals, above all to speed up the importance of global trade management.

Global Trade Management Automation technology has matured and continues to move forward. Data at any time convenient to obtain the required technology to help solve many companies because of the need to establish a global supply chain network moving problem.

Around this time last year, AMR research article warning that "When Xerox GT NEXUS as the SCEM, the data integrity is Xerox's top priority." AMR research report on GT NEXUS how Xerox was chosen to help solve it in the global supply chain network exposed complicated management and cooperation. Through the full range of verification, GT NEXUS provides a solution for the Xerox. Xerox through the use of GT NEXUS-demand model for only four months, they begin to adjust a large number of products across international flows, including Japan and other Asian countries, North America, Mexico and Europe. Since then, several other companies, including one well-known retailers have successfully entered the DDSN of the run-in period.

Xerox on this case alone, the network involves four main cargo transportation enterprises, two customs brokers, Ryder logistics companies and shipping companies shipping 7. The units for the coordination and implementation of the services provided real-time dynamic service.

Despite the DDSN in international logistics role and status can not be ignored, but the GT NEXUS very strange discovery in the procurement and consumer goods industries DDSN cooperation than in the logistics industry, users need more. This phenomenon is because in the international logistics in general goods carriers, third-party logistics companies and shipping companies are dependent on each transport. These companies expect the network members to provide online services. With the expansion of global trade, global logistics coordination needs also increased. NextLinx such as Open Harbor, and the expertise and service providers launch new services, such as security guarantees and flexible adjustment. These suppliers to adjust to business rules and business think tank to provide online support, but also for the customer needs the import, export and trade agreement management, online think-tank support.

According to the current look, many software department is also coordinating a number of fragmented suppliers products. GT Nexus and Open Harbor, the two companies to provide demand-driven system, they have each other to connect to other systems, such trade, the uncertain task of globalization in a larger transparency of the logistics network to adjust implementation and tracking. This joint provision of services has attracted the attention of two major retailers.

Conclusion: These type of software before the upstart company is now also gradually become mature, they set up in accordance with market demand, global logistics and trade management automation platform, and for the establishment of this repayment installments can provide customers with comprehensive services platform and the cost The substantial investment. The network is under construction, many multinational companies have already begun to use this platform. The platform for enterprises to solve complex problems of global supply chain reduce costs. This professional platform to promote enterprise development to DDSN, so upgrading the early period, the total cost of ownership, management capacity, so that the global supply chain management visibility to global supply chain more flexible and responsive. AMR research institutions will be produced in a report set out the wide choice of applications to support global trade management technology prospects.

PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) in DDSN (due to be moving in the supply chain network) plays a vital role in

Moving because of the need to have products supply chain network management strategy - the changing needs of our customers respond, and has global design and production of the regional partners.

To readjust the product life cycle management strategies to support DDSN. In order to ensure product design to meet the high demand, accelerate product design, product management, strategy development process is an important part. Will support each PLM product management strategy.

DDSN is not only the latest state of supply chain management, it will demand, supply and product management strategies together to ensure that business operations are facing the real needs of customers (see ARM professional research report: "DDSN: 21 century, the demand for supply). Therefore, manufacturers must recognize that PLM strategy to adapt to the importance of DDSN.

The first step: to find product management and DDSN requirements and supply management in the intersection. As follows:

? Demand - product life cycle management of customer demand management to ensure product design and development process to changing customer needs. Developed products that can truly meet the needs of the market, while avoiding because of sluggish sales and the backlog of inventory.

? Supply - in the product development process, the direct control of raw materials, collaborative product design and product management of the securities will be adjusted to speed up the procurement process and distribution team. Product data management in the supply chain to ensure continued sharing of product data.

Step Two: by DDSN maturity model to assess the maturity of product management, product management decision is in response, participation, cooperation or coordination of the kind of stage. Comparison of demand and supply of maturity, and gradually make them at the same stage.

Conclusion: DDSN through the system quickly understand the changing needs of our customers to fulfill the real needs of customers. Product life cycle management strategies to meet the market demand for shorter development cycle of new products and technologies through technology such as the reuse to ensure that supply is in line with changing needs, and more efficient.

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